Note: SGD and its resources are freely available for academic usage. For some of the resources, licenses are required for non-academic usage, please contact the original content provider for that purpose.

Welcome to Saccharum Genome Database

The SGD (Saccharum Genome database) is a comprehensive platform for the most economically important sugar crop.Data available from SGD includes gene annotation, gene expression, genetic molecular markers and C4 pathway genes. SGD also provided some useful genomic tools online. SGD will be updated every six months.


Cultivated sugarcanes (Saccharum spp., Poaceae) are unusual among leading crops in that they are polyploid interspecific hybrids, with singularly complex genomes. Domesticated in New Guinea ~10,000 years ago, ‘reeds that produce honey withoutt bees’ were considered a luxury and an expensive spice from thee sixth to fourth centuries bc.



How to cites

[October 8,2018]

Recent updates

[8/01/2017] Data collection: Retrieved gene-based annotation datasets (SsponGene.fa)through Ming Lab and downloaded arabidopsis , sorghum sequence from Phytozome website.

[9/12/2017] Data analysis: Data available from SGD includes gene annotation, TF families,gene expression, genetic molecular markers and C4 pathway genes.

[12/26/2018] Tool configuration: SGD provids some useful genomic tools online,such as Blast and JBrowse.

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